75 Years of Service

2020 Inspiration Gala

Welcome to Duvall Homes’ 2020 Phantom Ball

September 14, 2020 – This year, Duvall Homes marks 75 years of service… to thousands of people with developmental disabilities and to their families. From our early beginnings in 1945 – to this day, Duvall Homes continues to remove barriers for others. A commitment to best practices is foremost in our vision, as we focus on helping this vulnerable segment of our community attain quality of life, personal success, and the greatest independence possible.

A seventy-five year anniversary is a remarkable achievement and one that would normally call for great celebration! Plans to commemorate this incredible milestone were on the drawing board, as we imagined our Sixth Annual Inspiration Gala to be the perfect time to celebrate. Now – faced with a global health crisis and in response to coronavirus safety guidelines, these plans are off the table. The Gala, of course, has been canceled, as we grapple with challenges far more urgent.

In recurring tradition, each year the Gala brings together several hundred guests. Through this strong participation, proceeds from the past five years have helped fulfill a wide variety of crucial needs for Duvall Homes. Furnishings and power-generators for our Group Homes, program enrichment materials and classroom upgrades for our Day Training Center are just a few of the things Gala support has enabled us to provide for our residents. It is impossible to overlook the importance of this support and our biggest fundraiser of the year… so rather than simply set it aside, we will continue the tradition again this year… but in a rather untraditional way.

Welcome to the Phantom Ball ~ Beyond the Ballroom – just our way of keeping things on track and maintaining some sense of normalcy during this trying time. Yes, we will have an empty ballroom, (and miss the great fellowship, food and entertainment), but we hope you will participate with us again in spirit! Beyond the Ballroom reminds us that although we cannot be together, we can continue to celebrate the good work brought about by our collective efforts. We invite you to join in this alternative fundraiser and hope that you will support us during this especially critical time of need. Duvall residents are depending on us!

Like many organizations, Duvall Homes is facing new and unexpected financial pressures driven by COVID-19. We could never have imagined the additional costs for personal protective equipment, cleaning and safety materials, increased utility bills, overtime wages and special dietary/food costs centered around our 175 residents and the frontline staff that care for them every day.

In lieu of sponsorships, tickets and donations associated with our annual Inspiration Gala, we hope you will now participate in our Phantom Ball. No need to disregard stay-at-home practices or social distancing protocols. No attendance is necessary, but your support is vital.

Simply make your donation and let your gift do the rest!

By check: Duvall Homes, P.O. Box 220036, Glenwood, FL 32722. (Please note Phantom Ball)
By click: Duvallhomes.org/donate
By call: 386-734-2874 Ext.102 (We can apply your credit card over the phone.)

Partnerships have a tremendous impact on the work we do, enhancing our ability to maintain an exceptional environment where our disabled residents can reach their fullest potential. Supporters like you share their resources with us because they believe in Duvall Homes’ mission, and these combined efforts place Duvall among the best organizations of its kind. We are tremendously proud of the work we do and grateful that you stand beside us. You are a partner in Duvall’s success and we deeply appreciate all you do. Your generosity has meaningful impact and makes all the difference in the lives of others!

Thanks for helping us through this unprecedented time, for recognizing the importance of our 75th Anniversary, and for your continued confidence in the work we do.

Wishing you good health and best regards,

Steven DeVane,
Chief Executive Officer
Rob Walsh,
Board of Regents Chair
Elizabeth Bhimjee,
Chief Marketing and Development Officer

Duvall Homes’ 2020 Phantom Ball
Beyond the Ballroom